Ortega, also known as “Bella Ortega,” is a 100% pure Indica strain originating from Afghanistan, specifically Mazar i Sharif. This variety was obtained by Nevil Schoenmakers (The Seed Bank), who refined and selected it. It is a pure Maple Leaf Indica Afghani selection and is not related to Northern Lights. Over 40 years old, it is still preserved in its original vitality. The Ortega / Maple Leaf Indica genes are present in numerous well-known crosses, such as Black Domina or Super Skunk. The plants are dark green with broad leaves resembling maple leaves, having a stable main trunk and growing in a Christmas tree shape when given enough space. They are tightly composed, with only one main blossom forming and almost no lateral shoots. The aroma is sweet-fruity, leaning towards grape/grapefruit with a distinct hashish and hops touch in the finish. These very resinous plants produce excellent hashish, providing a true flavor experience when dry sifted.
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